The Discovery editions collect the band's original 14 studio albums, newly remastered and released worldwide on 26 September 2011. The albums can be purchased individually or in a box set which also includes a 60-page book designed by Storm Thorgerson. All albums feature newly designed booklets and CDs.[4] Many of the album covers have been modified to be without text (in 2016 the same remasters were reissued under Pink Floyd Records label and all modifications to the covers were reverted; the discs were issued with their previous artwork instead of the "Discovery" logo from the 2011 edition[5]).
Bill... Don't forget there were 5 (band members) at one point, and as little as 3, at another... So maybe the 3 marbles represents the 3 remaining band members at the time of their last studio album... just a guess...
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here 2011 Rar
Maybe the absence of information or historical notes, and the clear marbles leave us with some thoughs..i we wish they were there... , i mean, could be a way to make us feel the loneliness of the whole album??.. something its missing here!!! i'ts only my oppinion...:)
Who would have guessed that Pink Floyd fans would have John Coltrane to thank for the band opening its storied vaults to the masses? "We were always of the mind that whatever we put out in the day, on the original albums - well, that was it," Pink Floyd's drummer Nick Mason told me recently when we sat down together. "But I was in France and picked up that Coltrane box set that has every take [Heavyweight Champion]. Every take! Even the false starts and chatter between songs was captured. I loved it. And I realized, as a fan, I could see what Floyd fans had been asking for all these years - to hear the things we thought, at the time, weren't that good or quite right for whatever reason, what got us to the final result - well, they would probably enjoy that as much as I enjoyed listening to Coltrane going through the same process. I'm not one for listening to the original albums much; I just know them so well. I'm more into the pre- and post-versions." Mason also confided a thawing of the band's attitude towards releasing studio outtakes. "There was a time when we all thought that what we released was the best stuff and absolutely what we wanted to have out there," said Mason. "But things have changed and we can all see now that there are some truly interesting things we have that I think we'd all like to have out there." And so, in late 2011, fans of Pink Floyd got their first glimpses into those vaults. A new, single-
Pink Floyd fans have a lot to celebrate. The band is finally opening their vaults, and the new reissue series is about as good as it gets. "If things go wrong, you blame the record company," Mason said. "When things go right, it's of course your idea. But this was EMI's idea. Not the band of course - we weren't their idea. Just in case Roger's listening..." Mason joked. "A lot of people have worked very hard. None of them were myself." Mason was being modest. But EMI has ensured that Pink Floyd's legacy - and the work the band (and their fabulous studio collaborators like Norman Smith, Alan Parsons [Tape Op #42], John Leckie [#42], Brian Humphries, James Guthrie and Bob Ezrin [#76]) did all those years ago - will live on properly for a very long time. ( -Jeff Slate (
Thematically unified, seamlessly produced and engineered with the utmost attention to detail, DSOTM set the 1970s-and-beyond standard for albums as an entity unto themselves. Certainly there were unified-concept releases before it. Some held together better as narratives, but none equaled DSOTM in terms of sonic continuity: The Dark Side of the Moon was (and remains) a movie for the ears.
In Indonesia, then under the control of the Dutch East India Company, C.L. Blume served as director of the botanical gardens in Bogor on the island of Java from 1823 to 1826. He published a flora (Blume 1826) based on his collections and observations in which he included nine species of spiny solanums, the majority of which were described as new taxa (S. canescens Blume, S. cyanocarphium, S. involucratum, S. pseudosaponaceum, S. pseudoundatum Blume). After he returned to Leiden, where he became the director of the Rijksherbarium, Blume tended to reserve new and interesting collections from southeast Asia for himself and impeded work by others working on the rich flora of the region (Stafleu 1966). This situation changed when Friedrich A.W. Miquel switched his interests from the flora of Brazil to that of southeast Asia. Miquel was offered the opportunity to study the collections of Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, who refused to surrender the specimens collected during his time as a medical officer in Java to Blume and the Rijksherbarium, where he thought they would remain unavailable for others to study (Stafleu 1966). Eventually the directorship of the Rijksherbarium was passed to Miquel, who in the 1850s began his own flora of the region (Miquel 1857), incorporating material from a wide variety of sources. He recognised 28 species of spiny solanums for the region, including some he had not seen material of but expected to find there (e.g., S. virginianum, as S. xanthocarpum Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.). Two of these were Australian species (S. horridum Dunal, S. brownii Dunal [as S. violaceum R.Br.]) that he suggested might occur on the island of Timor; we have seen no evidence of these taxa there.
Michel-Félix Dunal used all these floristic works in his treatment of Solanaceae for the Prodromus (Dunal 1852), but often did not see the material used by earlier authors, so names for spiny solanums in the region proliferated. Of the 53 names that were validly published by Dunal for native tropical Asian spiny solanums in his different taxonomic treatments (Dunal 1813, 1814, 1852), only six are accepted here (S. comitis, S. forskalii, S. graciliflorum, S. hovei, S. lasiocarpum and S. poka). Since the major global monograph of Solanum done by Dunal (1852) the taxa from this region have never been treated in other than checklists or regional floras (e.g., Matthew 1983; Singh 1991; Mohanan and Henry 1994; Zhang et al. 1994; Naithani et al. 1997; Hul and Dy Phon 2014).
The early floristic works in general did not discuss relationships of the species they described, but they did always divide the solanums into those with and without spines (more correctly prickles, see Morphology). Dunal (1813, 1816) divided Solanum into two major groups, Inermia (unarmed solanums) and Aculeata (armed solanums), based on presence or absence of prickles. He renamed these groups as section Pachystemonum Dunal, for taxa with stout anthers and no prickles, and grad. ambig. Leptostemonum for taxa with tapering anthers that were never glabrous and usually possessed prickles (Dunal 1852). Bitter (1919) recognised and validated Leptostemonum at the subgeneric rank, and the group has been demonstrated to be well-supported as monophyletic using phylogenetic reconstruction with DNA sequence data (Bohs 2005; Levin et al. 2006; Weese and Bohs 2007; Stern et al. 2011; Särkinen et al. 2013; Gagnon et al. 2022), if prickly species such as S. nemorense Dunal and S. wendlandii Hook., now members of the S. nemorense group and the S. wendlandii group respectively, are excluded (see Stern et al. 2011; Clark et al. 2015; Gagnon et al. 2022).
Diversity of inflorescences and flowers in tropical Asian spiny solanums A lax, spreading inflorescences and stellate flowers of Solanum violaceum (Sampath Kumar et al. 126945, India) B condensed, recurved inflorescences and stellate flowers of S. multiflorum (Sampath Kumar et al. 126950, India) C inflorescences and large stellate flowers of S. involucratum (field photograph, unvouchered, Vietnam) D inflorescences and stellate flowers of S. pubescens with unequal stamens, one long and recurved (Sampath Kumar et al. 126956, India) E large rotate flower of S. insanum with abundant interpetalar corolla tissues (Sampath Kumar et al. 126918, India) F many flowered inflorescence and infructescence of S. pseudosaponaceum (field photograph, unvouchered, Philippines) G many flowered inflorescences of S. torvum; flowers with well-developed interpetalar corolla tissues (Suksathan et al. PS 3815, Thailand) H small stellate flowers of S. viarum (Sampath Kumar et al. 126944, India). Photograph credits: A, B, D, E, H X. Aubriot C M. Nuraliev F D. Tandang G D. Pedersen.
Most species treated here have corollas that are white or various shades of purple, but in some species (e.g., S. graciliflorum, S. insanum, S. procumbens, S. violaceum) corollas of both colours are found and individuals are either white or purple-flowered (See Figs 3, 78). In many species, the corollas are variously violet-tinged or striped (see Fig. 1 of Vorontsova et al. 2013). Flower colour can be useful in distinguishing similar species, for example, two taxa with zygomorphic androecia differ in flower colour, S. pubescens consistently has violet corollas whereas S. vagum has white corollas. Corolla colour can sometimes change with flower maturity; in the introduced S. wrightii, flowers change from dark violet to white with age (Fig. 73G).
Our taxonomic treatment is based on study of herbarium specimens and the molecular phylogenetic study of the spiny solanums of tropical Asia (Aubriot et al. 2016a). Delimitation and descriptions are based on field work and examination (physical and virtual) of 12,519 herbarium specimens representing 9,211 collections (of which 4,099 collections and 6,149 specimens were from tropical Asia as treated here) from 162 herbaria: A, AD, AK, ALCB, AMD, ARIZ, AS, B, BA, BAA, BAB, BACP, BH, BHCB, BISH, BK, BKF, BLAT, BM, BO, BR, BRI, BRLU, BRY, BSD, BSHC, BSI, BSIS, C, CAL, CAS, CEPEC, CESJ, CICY, COL, CORD, CPUN, CR, CS, CTES, CUZ, DD, DS, DSM, DUKE, E, EA, ECON, EIU, ENCB, ENLC, ESA, ETH, F, FCQ, FT, FUEL, FURB, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, GZU, HA, HAL, HAO, HAST, HBG, HFSL, HIFP, HITBC, HSTM, HUEFS, HUFSJ, IAC, IBK, IBSC, ICN, INB, IND, INPA, IPA, JBSD, JPB, K, KIEL, KUFS, KUN, K-W, L, LAE, LE, LIL, LINN, LOJA, LPB, MA, MBK, MBM, MBML, MEL, MERL, MESA, MEXU, MH, MICH, MISS, MMNS, MO, MOL, MPU, MT, NA, NOU, NSW, NU, NY, OSC, OXF, P, PAL, PBL, PDA, PE, Q, QAP, QCNE, RB, RENO, RHT, RM, S, SCA, SF, SI, SING, SP, SPF, SPSF, SZ, TAN, TCF, TI, TNM, U, UBC, UBD, UC, UEC, UNM, UPCB, UPS, US, USM, UT, UTC, W, WAG, WUK, XAL, YA, Z. Some of these specimens were examined digitally through individual herbarium portals; we include only those specimens we have been able to unequivocally identify from these images or that are duplicates of collections we have personally examined. 2ff7e9595c